Rick Valicenti

you better come back, bart … i need to know you are by my side!

Steve Liska

Hobart—be the quick brown fox.

jilly simons

bart, it’s a beautiful fall with variations of pantone 021, 129, 165 and 180 everywhere. but we’re feeling rather 279 without you. comeback bart! xo jilly

jilly simons

hoBart! get outa there and come back asap. we miss you. xo jilly

Bud Rodecker

I tried to imagine a world before Crosby, or B.C.. I couldn’t do it. Get well soon Bart.

Nancy Essex

Bart, you tough, brilliant, courageous, funny, fabulous person, I know you will rock your comeback!! Your friends are here to lean on if and when you need us. We love you!

Letters to Bart

As some of you may be aware, our dear friend and Chicago designer, Bart Crosby, founder of Crosby Associates,  is recovering from injuries sustained in an auto racing accident. While his injuries are significant, his family is most hopeful that he can make a full recovery. In lieu of hospital visits, the family is encouraging friends and colleagues to send our thoughts and prayers his way. And given the power of creativity and Bart’s love for design, we’ve found the perfect way for you to express your thoughts.

All you have to do is design your original typographic expression of the letters “B” or “C” on the furnished templates below. Upload your image to the site and we’ll make sure that Bart’s initials and the “Come Back Bart” movement takes flight. Your images will fill his hospital room and we’ll also be creating case bound editions of the entire collection as keepsakes.

Should you have any questions, please post them to the inquiry area of the site.

Download the template
Submit your letter