Dana Arnett

Uh, Breaker 1-9… Come back good buddy. Over.

Sandro Franchini

Dear friend… thinking of you on the road to a super-fast-track Come Back, Bart!

Oliver Crosby

Hi Grandpa!
I hope that you’ll get better soon. I really can’t wait to see you on Thanksgiving!

Mónica Montealegre Crosby

Things are pretty bland without you around…We need you back in action!
I miss you.
Tu nuera

Update from Brad Crosby 10/30

Bart is continuing to move forward. We are anticipating a discharge from the hospital sometime early next week. Some small medical issues remain that are preventing Bart’s escape from the poking and prodding. However, the outlook for his release is looking like next week.

What’s next for Bart? More Hell!

Physical Therapy will be the next hurdle! Bart has been accepted to RIC (Rehab Institute of Chicago) RIC has a three hour of PT program per day, it’s going to be extremely taxing on Bart but this is where he needs to be. Bart’s outlook on life is improving. Some days are better than others, however, He’s optimistic and full of energy today.

Bart sends his love to all, so does the Crosby Family


Update from Brad Crosby 10/29

Bart just successively went through an angiogram procedure. The procedure placed one stint in the Left Aorta Descending Artery, one of the three main arteries in the heart. The rest of Bart’s heart looks very healthy. In addition to the procedure today Bart is recovering incredibly well in every other area. The biggest hold up to Bart right now is his inability to walk, having both feet in casts. This too will soon change. Bart’s Ortho team is due for a visit at the end of this week to check both feet. As of now he can place pressure on the one and we are optimistic that the Ortho team will clear Bart to place weight on both feet very soon, watch out! Bart’s kidney is still under-functioning. We will have a batter base line as to how much the kidney will recover within the next 3 months.

As of now, it’s pretty official, BART WILL COME BACK!

It will be a slow process but the guy is obviously amazing on every front, he even seems to amaze himself. He will announce his run for presidency in 2020 in the coming months

Bart is on the move to another section of the North Western Hospital as well, and we expect Bart to be released soon.

Bart’s is going to be on a very strict regiment of Physical Therapy for the next few months. It’s going to kill him if he wants to stay alive! so, if he seems tired and dis enchanted, good. That means our job as PT is working.

As for now, Bart is resting but he sends a “Hello” to all,” Thumbs Up!”

Bradly Crosby

Chicago Design Museum

Bart, if you don’t come back soon, we’re going to continue posting embarrassing photographs.

John Massey, Matthew Terdich, Tanner Woodford, and the rest of the Chicago Design Museum crew.

Julie Froeter

B’s and C’s in combination make us all feel better.
Come Back Soon Bart!

Drew Crosby

Things go better with Crosby.
Here’s to a speedy recovery, Dad!

Anthony Russell

Not really; nice idea. Just come back as your normal, difficult, driven, funny, creative, grumpy, highly talented self. And next time, drive a Volvo or a Hummer. Just had a School Bus Derby at our local track—I should have called you, they were looking for drivers. Also, love and very best get well wishes from Jean. Tony

Jamie Gannon

You know that feeling you get when a type solution has no descenders to interrupt a nice baseline… Well, that didn’t work out here. But, the character count sure did. Get well soon!

Dana Arnett

Hobart, to inspire your recovery I’ve erected a sign in your front yard. Like it?

Jenny & Kahne Miely

Sending healing vibes your way Bart.
Here is some holiday pumpkin cheer to put a smile on your face!
Love, Jenny & Kahne Miely

Jenny & Kahne Miely

Sending healing vibes your way Bart.
Here is some holiday pumpkin cheer to put a smile on your face!
Love, Jenny & Kahne Miely

Jenny & Kahne Miely

Sending healing vibes your way Bart.
Here is some holiday pumpkin cheer to put a smile on your face!
Love, Jenny & Kahne Miely

Deb Aldrich

I know you’re not a San Franciscan—nor am I—but this logo seems fitting since every time I jump on the train from Oakland to SF I think of you and sing a happy BART song in my head. Miss you and hope you’re back in the saddle soon! XXOO (Thank you Dang, from Kit’s office, for cleaning up my messy logo).